Don't agree to Guarantee another persons Debt or Put up Security for someone else. If you can't pay it, even your bed will be snatched from under you. When I Started this Blog it Really Felt so Easy, Yes I Love Typing, I Love Writing Creatively and Thoughtfully and Yes More Importantly I Love God. 💭If you asked me then, I was always so sure to know Exactly what to write. But Here I am Hoping I Know How to Present my Topics. That's the Thing About Life, You can Never be so sure of anything... But as a Believe I Have Come to Understand "It's not By Power or By Might But By The Spirit of God" . So Instead I now Prefer to say "By the Grace of God I will always Have the perfect ways to Explain my Topics." So back to the Topic... This is a Don't Principle which is also quite clear. Please it's best to be Kind no Doubt But Avoid unnecessary Guarantees to People, Most times it causes such people to relax and put all Hope and Trust in a Hum...